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2.10 DCL or Shell CONGEN Commands

There are several shell or DCL commands for running CONGEN. In addition to these commands, on Unix systems, CONGEN can be executed directly by typing congen.

runcg [-i] [-n integer] filespec
This command will make logical name assignments for CONGEN normal I/O units and run CONGEN. The filespec must not specify any file type (file extension) or version. On VMS, RUNCGn will assign filespec.INP to FOR005 and filespec.OUT to FOR006 and then run CONGEN. The -i and -n integer options are not permitted on VMS. On UNIX, it will run CONGEN with standard input and output being set to filespec.inp and filespec.out. The nice command will be used with an argument of 4 to lower the runtime priority. The option, -i, specifies that interactive priority should be used. The option, -n integer, specifies an alternate nice value.

Run CONGEN. All logical name assignments for Fortran units must be set beforehand.

ruc [-i] [-n integer] filespec [directory]
Same as RUNCG except the directory from which CONGEN is taken is specified in the command. If no directory is specified, then the current default directory is used.