11.5.4 Keywords for NMR Constraint Command
The purpose of the keywords is given in the following table:
- Unit number associated with the constraint file name (opened previously)
If a UNIT number is not specified it is assumed that the constraints
are to be read from the main input file.
- Maximum force for NOE constraints. This specifies the point in the
constraint function when the function turns flatter, and the force
begins to be reduced.
- The constant force which applies to the outer region of the constraint
function. This value should not be larger than FMAX.
- The energy weight assigned to all NOE constraints read in after this point.
This weight can also be set in the NOE constraint file.
- The energy weight assigned to all J coupling constraints read in after this point.
This weight can also be set in the NOE constraint file.
- The KJDIFF option sets the value of
in the equation for
The default value gives only two minima for the
torsion angle in the test case in the Constantine et al paper.
- If present, all lines read from the constraint file are echoed as they are read,
and errors from searching atoms in the PSF will be printed.
- This option controls the normalization of J constraint energy. The default state
is normalization off. If it is turned on, then for single J's, CONGEN will
calculate the value of
over all values of the torsion angle
for each J separately, and it will normalize the energy calculations for
each of the J's. In the case of joined J's, there are two possibilities.
If the first three atoms or the last three atoms of joined J's are the same
and the remaining atom is different, the program will assume that
the J's represent the calculation of a prochiral group around
center. CONGEN will calculate the maximum of
over the range of the first torsion angle, with the second angle being
set to 120 degrees plus the first angle.
If the three atoms do not match, then the program will calculate the maximum of
over all possible values of the torsion angles for both J's.
The grid size used for all these calculation is 2 degrees.
- When the NOE constraints are specified, you can control whether
constraints involving equivalent, degenerate, or non-stereospecifically assigned
groups of protons are summed or averaged. The SUM and
NOAVERAGE keyword specifies summing, the AVERAGE keyword
specifies averaging. This specification will affect all succeeding
constraints read in by the program.
- Normally, the NMRC commands add constraints to the current lists.
The CLEAR option will clear the named list before new ones are read in.
If you specify NOE, then the NOE constraints are cleared, and if
you specify JCOUPLING, then the J coupling constraints are cleared.
Both of these keywords may be abbreviated to one letter, and you may specify
multiple CLEAR options.
- By default, a title, see See Syntactic Glossary, is read from any
constraint file read from any unit other than the default command
input. From unit 5, no title is required. These options can override
that default behavior. TITLE specifies that a title will be read
from the constraint file, and NOTITLE specifies that no title will
be read.